Day 5 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 5 - A place that makes you happy.

This is our farmhouse in upstate New York.  Bought by my great grandparents on my mom's side, passed down to my grandparents, and now cared for by my mother and her siblings.  One day I will care for it with my cousins.  It the greatest family heirloom on the planet and I love it with every fiber of my being.  I am never happier than when I am there.

Day 1 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

I am trying to be really good about taking photos again this year. I have been failing.  So, I'm attempting the 100 Day Photo Challenge over on Facebook in an effort to get myself to focus on how I approach my camera and what I should be doing with it on a daily basis.  This is Day 1 - A picture of yourself taken on the first day of the challenge


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