Day 26 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 26 - A gift from your family

The back of this painting reads "23 May 1997 To my beloved Hadley on her graduation day - I'm proud of you not because you've earned a degree - but because you have become an artist! Love, Pop!" I made him cross out "have become" and change it to "ARE" because I was a brat.  

Day 25 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 25 - A gift from a friend

Hello Spike Spiegel!

I love Cowboy Bebop.  Adore it endlessly.  If you have never seen it, you should watch it.  It is amazing.

Day 22 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 22 - Favorite cd that you own

A lot of my more recent favorite albums are in my iTunes and there is no cd in my house to accompany them.  However, I think I can safely say this is my favorite album. I have probably listened to this cd well over five hundred times. 

Day 21 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 21 - A picture of your cell phone

Yes, this is as exciting as it gets... I have no real comment other than to say I have a love-hate relationship with it and wish it were an iPhone.

Day 20 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 20 - Your Grades/Report card

Being out of school, I no longer get report cards... and I have no clue where the ones I did get are. I'm sure my mom has them filed away someplace.

So, this is the closest thing I could find.  This is my high school class schedule from Fall of 1991.

This was the semester just before I met Ryan.

Day 19 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 19 - One of the best days of your life

This one seems redundant to the best moment of my life on day 8 but I'll play along.

Back in 1997, Ryan and I got married.  We had certain people at our wedding which made it a bit difficult, but overall it was a very happy day.  I know this is a totally cliche thing to pick, but in all honesty, it was the turning point which lead to the life I have now. I would not trade my life for anything.

Day 18 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 18 - Your favorite outfit

My favorite outfit ever was this purple, orange, and yellow sundress I used to have back in high school with daisies all over it.

Right now, being the stay at home mom who spends more time inside at her computer than outside in the world, and taking into consideration that it is currently winter and I am cold all of the time, my favorite outfit is anything which involves my polar fleece bunny pajama bottoms.

Day 17 - 100 Day Photo Challenge

Day 17 - Your pet(s)

These are most of our pets.  Our cockatiel who is named Gandalf and who we have had for ten years now.  Our clown fish, Tim who shares a tank with a bunch of crabs I was too lazy to try to photograph.  Our guinea pigs Fan-Fan and Zu-Zu and our mice Marzapan and Sesame.  We also have another tank filled with fish and one surviving sea monkey...


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